Caregivers Trained in Early Learning
Investing in Early Years is a World Bank funded project which being implemented by the Malawi government through the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare.
In December 2020, Dowa District Social Welfare Office trained 80 Caregivers under the project.
According to the District Early Childhood Development (ECD) Coordinator Mr Jonathan Bonongwe, the project has a number of components.
Dowa district is training caregivers from 15 Satellite centres with a focus on training them in topics such as; child development, early learning and stimulation and nutrition component.
He said the trainings are being done in two phases which are theory and practice; which includes production of teaching and learning materials, for ensured smooth transition of learners from ECD centres into primary schools.
The DAPP College in Dowa is also involved in the training of caregivers. In the month of January, another team of 80 caregivers will also undergo training in the district.
DAPP also Malawi works with ECDs around its four Teacher Training Colleges TTCs) of Chilangoma, Dowa, Amalika and Mzimba. The TTCs support the caregivers with in-service trainings in the process of ensuring smooth transition of infant learners into primary schools.