Planning is Key in Development – Blantyre District Development Plan and Social Economic Profile Launched
On 10 May 2019, DAPP Malawi through Chilangoma Teachers Training College (TTC) participated in the launch of the Blantyre District Development Plan (DDP) and Socio-Economic Profile (SEP).
The launch took place at Chisenjere Ground in Lunzu, Blantyre district.
The Director of Rural Development Ms. Malango Bottoman was the Guest of Honour at the event and was joined by Government Officials, Development Partners, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector.
Ms. Malango emphasized on the importance of local development planning for all the councils in the country.
“Planning is a key area in development, which tries to zero on the importance of sustainable local development,” she said.
Blantyre District SEP contains the situation analysis of the current state of development gaps and opportunities that exists in the District while the DDP contains a monitoring and evaluation framework that will be used to track the progress in the implementation of the projects.
Student teachers and Tailoring students from DAPP Chilangoma made displays of some of the products made during their course of training.
The development and launch of the documents was made possible with the financial support of USAID and UKAID through Local Government Accountability and Performance (LGAP).