DAPP takes the lead in training female teachers for rural primary schools
DAPP takes the lead in training female teachers for rural primary schools
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology recently commended Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Malawi for taking the lead in increasing number of role models for girls by training more female primary school teachers in their Teacher Training Colleges.
Mary Chirwa, Acting Director in the Department of Teacher Education and Development (DTED) spoke at DAPP Dowa TTC during the graduation of 83 primary school student teachers of whom 46 graduating students were females.
“It is pleasing to note that there are more female teachers who are graduating today.” She said, during the ceremony and added “This is commendable because we are now talking of gender equality.”
According to Chirwa, the country has a shortage of female primary school teachers as they only represent 40 percent of primary school teachers nation-wide. She therefore said due to these worrisome statistics, most rural primary schools have no female teachers and that a lot of girls in such areas dropout of school because they do not see any role model who can inspire them to continue with their education.
DAPP has in November graduated 316 teachers,207 of whom are females in its four teacher training colleges.