• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future

Humana People to People stands alongside the millions of committed teachers as the world commemorates World Teachers’ Day annually on 5 October. Education is a powerful tool in the hands of the people striving for a better life, and has a long-term positive impact on development.

In 2020, World Teachers’ Day is being celebrated amidst a strenuous COVID-19 pandemic which has affected the education sector globally. In 2020, the world honors and celebrates the remarkable work done by teachers under the theme “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future”.

World Teachers’ Day unveils an opportunity to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide and take stock of achievements made, drawing attention to the voices of teachers, who are at the heart of efforts to attain the global education targets to support billions of learners to access education – a basic human right. The 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 focuses not only on access to education, but inclusive and equitable education, promoting life-long learning opportunities for all.

World Teachers’ Day 2020 provides a unique opportunity to spotlight the role of teachers in leading during crisis, building resilience and shaping the future of education.

In 2016, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) revealed that, the world faces an acute shortage of qualified teachers. It estimated that 69 million teachers would need to be recruited to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030.

According to the International Task Force for Teachers Education 2030, as of 25 March 2020, 165 countries closed their schools because of the COVID-19 crisis, affecting nearly 1.5 billion students and 63 million school teachers.

Humana People to People Teacher Training Programme

For the past 27 years, Humana People to People has been training primary school teachers who are committed to practice their profession in some of the remotest communities in Africa and India. The first Humana People to People Teacher Training College started in Maputo, Mozambique in 1993.

Currently 49 Teacher Training Colleges train 12,500 primary school teachers each year. More than 5 000 primary school teachers graduate every year in Mozambique, Angola, Malawi, India, Guinea Bissau, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia. Since inception of the programme in 1993 more than 49 000 teachers have been trained.

Humana People to People developed a Teacher Training Programme which is driven by the desire to unleash each student/learner’s potential in the whole process of capacity building. Humana People to People’s pedagogy is characterised by creating a space for students of all ages to be the drivers and navigators of their own training, in a collective setting where studying together and individually go hand in hand.
Exploring the reality of life and using what is learned to influence that reality are essential recognisable elements cutting across practical as well as academic studies.

Teachers at Humana People to People Teacher Training Colleges are responsible for the complex and demanding task of delivering good quality teaching. They are trained to manage and convey the curriculum, know each and every student, engage with parents and colleagues, and adapt the teaching to suit students’ needs, school conditions and the community environment. They are trained to be dynamic community members, and are well connected to parents, colleagues and others in the community. Their training equips them to handle complexities and challenges confronted.

Responding to COVID-19 impact on education

COVID-19 has had a staggering impact on education and the teaching sector, leading to the near-total closures of schools, universities and colleges. Most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. As of September 2020, approximately 1.277 billion learners are currently affected due to school closures in response to the pandemic.
The ripple effect of students falls on teachers, with many teachers still affected by the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. With colleges closed following national government imposed emergency lockdowns, education routines were cancelled and curriculum disrupted, heavily affecting the teaching sector. The closures pose unprecedented challenges as they are likely to exacerbate the global learning crisis, adding to global education inequalities.

Teacher leadership in relation to crisis response becomes critical in terms of the contributions teachers make to provide remote learning, support vulnerable populations, re-open schools, and ensure that learning gaps have been mitigated. As witnessed in most of Humana People to People Teacher Training Colleges, adaption and mitigation measures were formulated. Thus virtual learning options were established to keep the student and teacher in constant communication. For others, pre-arranged homework plans were developed and agreements put in-place for supervision, feedback and new assignments.

Food for Knowledge (FfK) is an ADPP Mozambique implemented, Planet Aid led programme, run in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Human Development whilst funded by United States Department of Agriculture. The programme has, for the past four years, been implementing a bilingual education component in early grades of primary schooling in Maputo, Mozambique. To mitigate COVID-19 effects, the FfK programme, started broadcasting bilingual education classes through community radio stations and television. This new development proves that innovation and readiness to transform is essential when faced by a crisis.

Supporting teachers in developing their profession

Humana People to People went a step further by creating support mechanisms for its graduated teachers to create linkages, share best practices and continue exploring new education approaches relevant to increasing demands in the daily work of teachers. The Network of Graduated Teachers is a pillar of strength to scores of practicing teachers who work in remotely located communities.
As such, teachers organise themselves in core groups and meet once a month. They discuss challenges faced, formulate solutions, and present breakthroughs in classroom teaching and school management initiatives. The continuous training approach of the Network of Graduated Teachers is linked to a Humana People to People Teacher Training College and the national department of further education at district level for building synergy and co-creation.

Leadership qualities acquired by the teachers graduating from Humana People to People Teacher Training Colleges has seen some teachers assuming influencing decision making positions at the schools they are assigned. In Malawi, George Mhango and Henry N’gombe are two former graduates who have become a deputy headmaster and a district sports organizing chairperson respectively for the Blantyre rural district.
Their resourcefulness and ability to organise communities to engage in school development as well as dealing with existing social challenges hampering community development are commendable.

A call to increase global education funding
Investing in education is investing in people, in the community and in the nation. It is our collective effort therefore to ensure innovative ways to acquire and sustain education funding in order to achieve equitable and quality education. Increasing the number of qualified and motivated teachers, to deal with the global learning crisis can last for several generations, and make a tangible difference, especially for the disadvantaged.


Commemorating World Teachers Day 2020

Humana People to People celebrates the World Teachers’ Day 2020 by saluting the work being done by millions of teachers world-wide. Teachers are pillars in nation building as they are the invisible hands that mould and shape communities.

Annually, 5 October is an opportunity to focus on and appreciate teachers’ contributions to education. In 2020, World Teachers’ Day theme is “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future”. Humana People to People acknowledge the essence of teachers in building resilience and shaping the future of education and the teaching profession.

Margret Phiri qualified and trained in Teaching Methodologies - Malawi

Margret Phiri qualified and trained in Teaching Methodologies - Malawi

Face masks and physical distancing key in responding to COVID19

Face masks and physical distancing key in responding to COVID19

Humana People to People investing in teacher training
Since 1993 Humana People to People has been training primary school teachers who are committed to practice their profession in some of the remotest communities in Africa and India.

Teachers at Humana People to People Teacher Training Colleges are responsible for the complex and demanding task of teaching. They are trained to manage and convey the curriculum, know each and every student, engage with parents and colleagues, and adapt teaching to suit students’ needs, school conditions and the community environment.

Currently 49 Humana People to People Teacher Training Colleges train 12,500 primary school teachers each year. More than 5 000 primary school teachers graduate every year in Mozambique, Angola, Malawi, India, Guinea Bissau, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia. Since inception of the programme in 1993 more than 49 000 teachers have been trained.

Adapting our education programmes after COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted classroom learning for at least 9 out of 10 students worldwide. The COVID-19 crisis created a unique situation for teacher leadership, creativity and innovation to be demonstrated. Around the world, teachers are working individually and collectively to find solutions and create new learning environments for their students to ensure that learning could be continued.

Members of Humana People to People in Africa and India, running Teacher Training Colleges, had to organize differently as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers opted for virtual learning as part of supporting social distancing and decongesting classrooms.

In Mozambique, ADPP Mozambique’s Food for Knowledge programme went for broadcasting the bilingual lessons for early primary schooling on national radio and television stations.

Currently, Humana People to People India (HPPI) is working with Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission in Chhattisgarh State in bringing education to students in a safe environment (at home and in the village). HPPI impart student-centric education through its Kadam methodology and is build capacity of local teachers/volunteers.

A call to action
There is need to increase education funding each year, a resource critical resource in training much needed qualified teachers. UNESCO Institute of Statistics database 2020, shows that in low income countries, there is only 1 trained teacher for 56 pupils in primary education whilst in sub-Saharan Africa it is 1 to 60.


266 AGYW Trained in Tailoring

59 Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) have completed their four-month tailoring and entrepreneurial skills training under the DAPP Mikolongwe Vocational School Mobile Training Centre in Machinga district.
On the 28th August 2020, the District Youth Officer for Machinga district Mr Swiden Zuze led the presentation of certificates and handing over of start-up tools to the students at Kapoloma training centre in Senior Chief Kapoloma in the district.

Students receive start up tools

Students receive start up tools

Materials distributed to the newly tained tailors

Materials distributed to the newly tained tailors

The students were concurrently trained in two centres of Senior Chief Kapoloma and Traditional Authority Ngokwe.
The two teams were the last cohorts to be trained in the project which brings the total of girls trained to 266 against a target of 270.
The students received start up tools (as capital) in groups of three also known as trios to enable them to start up a small scale tailoring business. The materials include a sewing machine, a roll of fabric, a charcoal iron and a pair of scissors among other.
The Mobile Training Centre had been implemented for a period of three years from 2017.
The beneficiaries of the project have been adolescent girls and young women from rural and hard to reach areas in six districts of Machinga, Phalombe, Mwanza, Neno, Balaka and Thyolo.

The project was supported by Sympany of Netherlands and worked hand in hand with the Machinga district council and the TEVET (Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education Training) Authority.

Case Story – Alisha Kalua, Mzimba

Alisha Kalua comes from Mukhulu village in Traditional Authority Ntchindi in Mzimba district. She is 26 years old, married with one child.
In June 2018, she was enrolled for a six months basic Cobbler and Shoe Making course offered by DAPP Mikolongwe Vocational School at its Satellite Centre in Mzimba, under DAPP Mzimba Teachers Training College.
The six-month shoe making training equips young women and men with basic shoe making, repairing and entrepreneurial skills. Following her training at Mzimba Satellite Centre, Alisha had an opportunity to further advance the vocational training at Mikolongwe Vocational School campus in Chiradzulu, where she was trained for another six months in advanced shoe making course.

Alisha on her workstation

Alisha on her workstation

Alisha showcases some of the shoes she has made

Alisha showcases some of the shoes she has made

By course design, students receive start up tools in groups of three upon successful completion of the training. This is done to enable them to establish small scale businesses.
“After our training at Mzimba centre, we received start up tools which include a shoe sewing machine in a group of three to work as a trio, currently we are two of us renting this room and using the machine while the third person went to school for a training in another field,” said Alisha.
Alisha and her colleague are based in Euthini, an approximately 100 kilometres from Mzimba district council. A hard to reach area, she narrates that their challenge in their business has been finding materials especially different types of leather in order to produce materials that meet their customers’ demands.
However, she said operating in her area is also advantageous as the two are only ones that are making shoes in the area.
“We have a lot of customers here, it’s like almost all people that want a shoe made will come to us because we are the only ones producing shoes without much competition,” she said.
Alisha and her colleague have been operating their shops for less than three months at Euthini Trading centre. She said despite the setbacks that are materials for producing a variety of shoes, they are able to make more than 50 thousand Kwacha in a month.
They say as a team, their plan in the short term is to save up from their earnings and purchase materials in bulk which will enable them to meet the market demands.
The Cobbler and Shoe making course is a vocational training that benefits underprivileged young women and men. The aim is to equip them with skills and knowledge that will enable them start up a small scale business or secure an employment thereby alleviating their poverty.
The project is financed by Sympany of Netherlands and targets to reach 225 youth across the country.


Continued Learning in Times of the Pandemic

The World Health Organisation declared the Coronavirus a pandemic in March 2020 following an outbreak that started in China and spread in other countries across the world.

Following this declaration, the government of Malawi through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology ordered the closure of all schools in Malawi until further notice.

DAPP Malawi education programs were among institutions and implementations affected by the development.
However, learning doesn’t stop in some of the projects. DAPP Mikolongwe Vocational school offers technical and entrepreneurial trainings to Malawian youth. In a quest to ensure continued learning, one of the courses, Cobbler and Shoe making, has adapted to using social media platforms like WhatsApp to deliver lessons to students while they are home.

A graduate shoe maker working on his station

A graduate shoe maker working on his station

Students work in trios while at home

Students work in trios while at home

A class of over 50 students from four cohorts have organised themselves in an online group where their instructor delivers lessons and assignments.
According to one of the Instructors Mr Daniel Mkama, two lessons are being delivered weekly and students will put into practice what has been taught.
“The class comprises of students that were enrolled in different cohorts while some are behind in their lessons and others are at an advanced stage but what we are delivering to them is what they can manage to do while home. Some of the students received start up tools so they will be able to work since the also operate in trios (a group of three),” explained Mkama.

In one of the lessons, the Instructor share with the students on how they can produce stitching patterns on leather shoes that can last up to three years.
“These stitches will strengthen the weaknesses that arise between the adhesive that arises between the adhesive that is used when joining the lining and the outer material. This means the inside and outer materials are joined to strengthen the whole shoe,” read part of the lesson.

The students enrolled in Shoe Making work in trios for continues sharing of ideas and experiences. In the groups of three, they receive start up tools upon completion of their training to start up small scale businesses.
The Cobbler and Shoe Making courses is being run with funding assistance from Sympany of Netherlands.

DAPP Mikolongwe Vocational school has to date trained over 10,900 youth since its establishment in 1997.


Members of Humana People to People

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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