• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

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Teacher Training:
The Humana People to People teacher training model, which has been further developed to Malawi’ context is designed to create a new generation of teachers who will bring modern education into poor communities and thus contribute to their development. The educational concept is visionary and unique in its outlook, combining academic studies with practical work and teaching practice and emphasizing the role of the teacher as a link between the parents, the community, the school and the children, where all players have to be active to secure the children the best education and foundation in life.
DAPP Malawi now has 16 years’ experience in training young teachers specifically for the rural areas, teachers who are ready to teach and work collaboratively both with the children and their parents as well as the entire school to improve the learning and the school environment. With 2991 teachers trained by June 2019, the program is thus providing rural children with qualified and trained teachers who are working professionally and with a heart for the children and passion for the teaching itself. Through the program, the teachers energetically follow the conviction that all primary school pupils have the potential to become skilful and productive members of society; become acquainted to modern ways and teaching and inspire their pupils to be interested in development and in actively shaping a positive future for their society and for the individuals they interact with.
Throughout the training program, the student teachers are challenged to be highly demanding concerning their own achievements- and serve as role-models to the pupils and team mates to do likewise; understand learning and skills training not as a technical issue but as humanly motivated, demanding responsibility and contribution from each individual, and to do what it takes in order for each child to learn.
DAPP Malawi has four Teachers Training Colleges namely Chilangoma, Amalika, Dowa and Mzimba in Blantyre, Thyolo, Dowa and Mzimba districts respectively.

In-service teachers:
Since 2012, DAPP has expanded its education program beyond Pre-teachers’ training to include in-service teachers in a concept called “We Do More teachers” which is aimed at improving inclusive quality education and creating conducive learning environments for all children. Presently, the 400 Primary School Project, a network of DAPP graduated teachers is working with 100 teachers in 18 districts across Malawi. The teachers meet regularly to plan and evaluate their work during what is called Production Camps. They voluntarily stick together to share knowledge and experiences on how they can improve the environments around their schools.

Vocational Training:
The DAPP Mikolongwe Vocational School was established in 1997 with the idea to equip young men and women with technical and vocational skills and knowledge. The aim is to train youth who become productive, be able to secure employment or become self-reliant by starting up small-scale businesses, thereby alleviating their poverty. The school has also expanded its operations to reach out to more youth in hard to reach areas through a Mobile Tailoring Centre that targets to train 270 adolescent girls and young women by 2021. Similarly, Satellite Tailoring Training has been introduced in the four DAPP Teachers Training Colleges where 720 adolescent girls and young women will also be equipped with tailoring and entrepreneurial skills. To date, more than 10,300 youth have graduated from the school’s formal and informal programs.The school does not only train youth in the actual skill but also trains them in all aspects concerning taking responsibilities as a human being for the environment, their health and the health of others, as well as motivating them to be proactive youth who do not just wait for development to happen but are part of creating a better life for themselves and the communities around them. The school is offering 11 courses in Agriculture, Bricklaying, Carpentry and Joinery, Community Development, Financial Accounting, Textile and Fashion Design, Beauty and Hairdressing, Renewable Energy and Electrical Installation, Plumbing and Washing, Welding and Fabrication, and Cobbler and Shoe Making

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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