• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Who We Are

Development from People to People (DAPP) Malawi is a local NGO that has worked in Malawi since 1995. DAPP Malawi is a national member of the Federation Humana People to People, a network of 30 organisations engaged in international solidarity, cooperation and development in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.

The objective of DAPP Malawi is to promote social and economic development. Through a variety of development models, DAPP complements the government’s effort in implementing the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy. The people engaged in the development initiatives of DAPP Malawi are trained and equipped with tools and knowledge enabling them to transform their dreams and wishes for a better life into practical actions.

Presently, the DAPP projects are focused on four of the pressing development issues in Malawi:

  • Increasing access to inclusive quality education
  • Improving food-security and economic growth through Climate Smart Agriculture among small holder farmers
  • Improving children’s conditions
  • Combating HIV & AIDS, TB, Malaria, Malnutrition and Pandemics

DAPP is in its 25th year of creating long-term development in the country. Since its inception in 1995, DAPP has built up a sound institutional capacity and an impressive track record with the people of Malawi.
The projects are carried out in close partnership with the National Government, local and district authorities and a range of national as well as international partners.




DAPP Malawi envisions a society in which communities are sustainable and have improved quality of life

Mission Statement:

To work with the communities in Malawi by promoting social and economic development through health, education & training, food security, fund raising and environmental programs.


The above vision is based on the Solidarity Humanism to radiate actions aimed at creating favourable conditions for men and women, particularly the poorest, to actively participate in overcoming the current constraints regarding access to education, health and participation in the economy.

In its mission, DAPP Malawi has prioritized its activities in rural areas, where the majority of the population is concentrated and where the business base for developing the economy is located, thus reducing poverty to ensure food security for all as this achievement in the rural areas is essential for active and healthy lifestyles throughout the country



 On behalf of many Malawians who in one way or another are part of our projects, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our Partners and we look forward to a continued collaboration. Although this list is not exhaustive, we would like to acknowledge other partners who have played a role in various development projects implemented by DAPP.



Government of Malawi Multilateral Donors & Governments

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
Ministry of Water Development and Irrigation
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare
Ministry of Lands and Housing
Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
- Officials from Blantyre, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Zomba,
Dowa, Mzimba, Karonga, Mulanje, Phalombe, Machinga,
Liwonde, Ntcheu, Balaka, Dedza, Chikhwawa, Nsanje,
Mwanza, Neno,
Department of Nutrition, HIV and AIDS
National AIDS Commission
National Youth Council of Malawi
Malawi Defence Force


Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Finland
United States Department of Agriculture
IFAD through RLEEP
Global Sanitation Foundation through PLAN Malawi
World Bank
Grassroots Fund via the Japanese Embassy
Beit Trust





Members from Humana People to People Local Organizations, Foundations, Trusts & Companies

Planet Aid Inc.
Humana Holland
Humana People to People, Italy
UFF Norway
UFF Finland
Stichting Humana
Humana Estonia
Humana Spain














Nchima Trust
Aquaid Life Line
Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company
Pannar Seed
Dossani Trust
Deekay Suppliers
MonsantoThe Soloptimist from Holland
Changa K. Transporters
Victory Children’s Home
Tithandizane Bursary
Joshua Orphan Care
Demeter Seed
Peak Events
Xerographics Limited
Emmanuel TTC
Galaxy Pharmaceutical and Surgical Ltd
Southern Bottlers
Chibuku Products Ltd
Universal Industries Ltd
S able Farming
Proto Feeds
Salvation Army
Baker’s Choice


































Members of Humana People to People

hpp logowww.humana.org

Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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